
What Inspired Me

The best thing about being an artist is we all have our own stories on how we got started or what pushed us to be who we are. We then tell our stories through our art, each song or piece shows a different side of who we are and what we've been through and that is amazing.

In my last post I shared my story on how I got started with you all, If you missed it click here. Now I want to share with you my influences, not just other artists but things in my life that have tried to stop me, pushed on forward, inspired me, or despite everything didn't stop me.

My first taste of live music: I was 7 years old, my local home school group of holding a Halloween party in the parks and rec community center. They were showing live acts all through the night of the other kids from the group but one in particular I remember to this day. There was about six kids up on stage in animal make up putting on a short play. I'll be honest, it wasn't the best show ever, but what caught my eye was when they all burst into song. Now don't get me wrong, they didn't have voices of angels, in fact you really shouldn't expect much have a group of 7 year old untrained kids singing. But I had never seen any live music before in my life and all I could think was, "I want that, I want to be doing that."  That is what got my into theater.

Music from a young age: Growing up in a home schooled house with my mom and four brother was a bit crazy. But one thing I remember when I think back was there was already music playing. No matter what we were doing my mom always had music blaring through the house. 
Now despite what you might thing, the music we listened to wasn't old timey stuff like the beetles. No, my mom loved Alternative Rock, Nickel back, Maroon 5, Plain white T's, Green day, Linkin Park, Avril Lavigne. That was my childhood and yes most of the time it was inappropriate music for a 8, 6, 10, 13 year old to be listening to, especially the song, "Crazy Bi*ch" from Buckcherry. But we had no idea what it meant so I guess it's alright. This influenced my love of music till this day, my heart and soul will always belong to Alternative Rock.

You suck: Being an artist means taking a risk, and just because some people make it seem easy doesn't mean it's not a tough job. You would not believe how many times I've been told, "You suck". Sadly, this wasn't by kids or teens either. I am talking about grown adults but I never let this stop me. There will always be someone who doesn't like your music but for every one person who doesn't, there are three who love it.

My first public performances: I have video of almost every single time I have preformed live, yes even the horrible ones where I butcher a piano, on stage, with an audience. The other videos I have, I can't even watch because they are so cringe worthy! But the good thing is, it let's me see how far I have really come. 

So I hope this post shared a little light that artist have it tough too. Despite everything we will always have haters and sometimes little things can influence us so much!

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