There are these magical creatures in the world that bring joy and happiness without really having to do anything, Cats. They are amazing just being themselves and with little to no effort steal our hearts away. So here are the 10 reason cats are purrfect!
1. Cat's use purring as a method of self-healing.
That's right, these little cuties use purring as a way to calm themselves and their purr vibrates at a frequency that heals!
2. They know where you are at all times.

Cat's have scary good hearing, so before you even enter the house, they know you're there. They are sneaky little ninja's, they will hide in your room and just stare at you until you notice them!
3. They can't see below their noses, which is why they might miss food right below them.
It's not that they can't look down to see if there is food, it's just that they feel they shouldn't have to.
4. They gain instant respect from other creatures.
That's right! These frisky little cats gain instant respect, they put everything in it's place and show who's boss. (Them)
5. Boxes are to cats as bubble wrap is to humans.
Just like when you see a long strip of bubble wrap, you can't help but pop one...or two...or a million. It's just too hard to resist. Well, cats feel our struggle, if there is a empty box just laying there, how could they not sit in it, sleep in it, or even attack you from it? It's just nature.
6. If they fit, they sleep.
Cat's will completely surprise you with the places they decide to take a nap, maybe it's the top of a shelf, in our shoe box, in the bathroom sink, or even on your laptop keyboard. Trust me, it would not be the first time in cat history!
7. The fuzzy fur on the inside of their ears is called, "ear furnishings" which helps to insulate the ear and keeps out dirt, bugs and really loud sounds.
Isn't this a crazy fact? And here I thought it was just one of the things that make these little creatures so more beautiful.
8. Cat's sleep so much because their body releases a growth hormone only during their sleep, so by the time a cat is 9 years old, it will have only been awake for 3 years of it's life.
After learning this little tidbit, I started to think of the fact that I normally sleep for 12 hours. This just means that I have only been awake for 10.5 years and as my brother put it, "That makes so much sense."
9. If a cat kneads you, you're now it's mother and it owns you.
Kittens learn to knead as a way to get milk from their mommies, but someone discovered that this little act to their owner just means they are showing you, they own you!
10. You will learn to love the abuse.
All in all, these little furry creatures may bite, scratch, run away, and pee on your pillow when you make them mad. But at the end of the day, you will quickly learn you can't live without their abuse.
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