
My Foolproof Secret to Getting Rid of Old Clothes

I have very exciting news...I'm moving! So it's time to say goodbye to the old and in with the new. Since I'm packing up my room anyway, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to go through my closet. Now in the past, I've always had a hard time letting go of my old clothes. I never realized how serious of an issue this was until I was looking through some old photos and found my 14-year-old self wearing the same shirt I had on as today! It was a big wake up call!

So I made this 5 Step Guide that includes, My Foolproof Secret to Getting Rid of Old Clothes. Now let's talk about the facts. Every time I go to get rid of something, a little voice appears in back of my mind and says, "I'm going to need this one day." Don't listen! It's a trick. I've finally found a sure fire way to defeat this little voice in 5 easy steps.

Step one: The Supplies.

Now like all great adventures, you need to prepare a bit before you dive in. For this adventure, you are going to need a few simple things you already have laying around the house.

  1. One or two trash bags (Depending on how many clothes you have)
  2. A laundry basket
  3. A mirror
  4. Some seriously cool music. (You can check out my "Clean up" playlist here)

Step Two: Take everything out and I mean everything!

You need to take out all of your clothes and I mean all of them! Leave that closet or dresser completely empty, that includes your socks. Then just throw all those clothes in one big pile either on your bed or on the floor.

Step Three: The Trial and Error Stage

Now this is the super fun part. One by one pick up a piece of clothing and try it on. Then you are going to ask yourself these four questions.

      1. Does this still fit me?
               If no, put it in the trash bag.
      2. Is this the most comfortable thing ever?
               If no, put that sucker in the trash bag.
      3. Is this in a horrible condition? (Does it have stains, holes, or just plain falling apart?)
               If yes, put that bad boy in the trash bag.

      And finally, the foolproof secret. If that article of clothing somehow passed all three tests, you have to ask yourself this question.
      4. Imagine you're out shopping for clothes and you just tried this on, Would you buy it?
               If no, then into the trash bag it goes!

Step Four: Wash, Rinse, and Repeat.

Take all those clothes that made it through the test and wash them! That way everything is fresh and ready for the new year!

Step Five: Congratulations!

You've made it! By this step, you should have gotten rid of at least five different pieces of clothing. Which if you're like me, is a miracle. Just repeat this processes every so often and you will surely not be wearing the same shirt as you did five years ago!

Let me know in comments below if this guide helped you clean out your closet!

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